Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Molly!

Molly, Brett and Matt

Jay and Sadie

Happy (belated) Birthday to my best friend Molly!!!!! She has caught up to me once again! Molly is a fantastic mom to Jay and Brett! They are lucky to have her! These pictures were taken in early July. Don't Jay and Sadie look like they're up to something?

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Great Weekend

Dad at the barbeque.

Mom at the barbeque.

Zoe leaps for joy after chasing a rabbit.

The girls playing.

My mom and dad joined Joey and me for a good old-fashioned bbq at my house on Saturday. After the bbq we went to the art show that was on the courthouse lawn. There are some very talented artists in Corvallis! After trying to convince my parents to come to the Benton County Fair with Joey and me, they declined. My parents are not "fair" people. I think that they would have rather poked needles in their eyes than come to the fair with us. But I am telling you, the fair was AWESOME!!!! It was awesome for two reasons: the lion and the funnel cake. There was a booth that allowed people to hold a baby lion for a mere $10.00!!!!! Of course, I jumped at the chance. Joey and I sat down and they asked who wanted to hold her. Naturally, I raised my hand and Joey pointed to me. She was adorable and a bit wiley. I think that she was getting a little cranky. I held her like a baby and she tried to bite me. I actually wanted her to bite me because how many people can say that they have been bitten by a lion? Alas the helper got to her mouth just milliseconds before the bite. Oh well, maybe next time. After thoroughly washing our hands (I think that Joey did more washing than me even though I was the one holding her), we got the most amazing funnel cake ever. It was delicious. It was a caramel supreme, but we added chocolate. Then there was whipped cream piled on top of it. It was to die for. I completely forgot my camera so I don't have a picture of the funnel cake. A picture of Joey and I with the lion cub was taken by the people at the booth, but I'm not sure how to post a picture that's not on a disk. Any ideas anyone? The bottom two photos were taken Sunday night at the girls favorite park. Zoe loves the dog park as much as Sadie loves the beach.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Uninvited Guest

A smiling Sam.

Amy and her boys.

Best friends - John and Charlie.

I returned to Amy's house unannounced last night. On Tuesday, Amy told me to stop by anytime. I think that she might live to regret those words! Amy's house is on my way home from work since I take Kings Valley Highway to get from Salem to Philomath.

Meet Alice!

Alice checking out her new home.

A very tire Alice hits the hay.

I got Alice on July 9th. She is extremely cute and feisty! She and my one year-old cat Emma play together constantly. I think that watching kittens play should be the prescribed therapy for people who are overly stressed.